This words will surely come out of my mouth if I had the chance to meet personally with Mr. Don Moen, a well-known worship leader and artist from Integrity Music. Yes, he held a concert in Jakarta, Istora Senayan for sure, on Thursday, July 27, 2006. It was part of his world concert this year. In Indonesia, Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya and Bali are the cities where the concert will be held (see

Before he began, PIC from Galilea Ministry, a ministry who organized the concert, came to the stage. In his speach, he said that whole ticket sold would be donated to victims of earthquakes and tsunami through Obor Berkat Indonesia (OBI).
Don Moen started his concert by singing songs from his old albums such as "I just want to be where You are", "God will make a way" and "We welcome You". Then he continued with "Arise", "I will sing" (one of my fave) and "Me Corazon" (My Heart - Spain). He also asked the audience to receive Jesus as his/her personal saviour; confessing sins and welcome Him.
Before he closed the concert, he sang "God is good". Whole audience were involved joyfully with loudy handyclap, singing that well-known song of Don Moen.
For me, whole songs remind me of how good, patient, powerfull and mighty God is. They also encourage my christian life.