Thursday, March 09, 2006

Giving Thanks

When I received a letter from Personnel Division on last January '06 'bout the status of my employment at my company, I felt worry becaused that meant my employment should be continue or ...the worst case.....end up.

Then, I went to my boss, talking about the letter...and he said he would discussed it with the Personnel Division when he got back from his business trip abroad. Pfiuf...I felt a little bit that moment.

The next week:
Again, I talked to my boss and he said the same thing as he said on the last week..."I will discuss it with the Personnel Division on Monday [next week]." Pfiuf..."Come on boss. It's already close to the date line the Personnel Division has set to receive confirmation from you", I said to my heart.
I shared this with his secretary....she carefully listened up and said," Don't you worry, Dear (she treats me as her dear brother). I will remind our boss 'bout that. Just do your job, will you?"
Wow...what a words of encouragement!! I had someone to support me :) Thanks Mbak :)

Week after the next week:
I was in Surabaya for three days, doing a survey 'bout customer satisfaction at our branches. On the second day, I received an SMS from my boss secretary...informed me that my employment status had been upgraded to Permanent Employee and there would be a special allowance given. I was so....... ecstatic!!!

Week after the last next week:
I received two letter from Personnel Division; first, was about my employment status which had been upgraded. Second, about my special allowance. The second thing made me very upset!!

How come I will receive that much!! I expected twice or more than...that!!

Comparing to my friend's [we are at the same level but has different boss] special allowance is half of his but I've worked smarter and harder than him!!

I felt very dissapointed because of....being treated unfairly...!!!

This happened to me for the last 2 days....and at the I pondered this kind of unfairness...I came to a conclusion....That my friend received the thing based not on his achievement but the mercy of his boss while I received it based on my performance and conduct. Besides that, I didn't received it with a gratefull heart but a complain to God.

"God, forgive me for this...and teach me to give thank for all You have done...'cause i know....YOU have been GOOD and are GOOD....... to me."

Monday, March 06, 2006

News from Piggyvora

Selasa, 27 Februari 2006,
Beberapa anggota dari Piggyvora telah bersepaka [t] untuk membuat pertemuan pada hari Minggu, 5 Maret 2006, di Cipete, salah satu tempat Piggyvora yang bekerja di salah satu oil service company. Sebenarnya, pertemuan tersebut merupakan suatu langkah "rekonsiliasi" karena salah satu anggota tidak ikut pada pertemuan di minggu sebelumnya dimana 2 anggota bersepaka [t] untuk menikmati bakmi/bihun AKANG di Kelapa Gading...hihihi..sorry Cik ;)

Minggu, 5 Februari 2006,
Ketiga anggota akhirnya berkumpul di Cipete pada pukul 15.30 WIB, molor dari jadwal yang telah ditentukan karena ada alasan teknis yang tak dapat diganggu gugat hehehehe.....
Setelah berhahahihi...akhirnya acara dilanjutkan dengan menonton sitkom Everybody Loves Raymond dan Zoolander (dibintangi oleh Ben Stiller dan Owen Wilson)

Waktu menunjukkan pukul 17.30 - suatu waktu yang tepat bagi ketiganya untuk mulai bergerak menuju tempat yang telah ditentukan : Kelapa Gading!!!

Sesampainya di suatu rumah makan seafood, kami langsung memesan beberapa menu yang menurut kami akan memuaskan nafsu makan yang sedang memuncak..huaaaaaaaahhhh...sssshh huehehehhe.....seperti yang bisa dilihat pada gambar di atas. Ada:
kepiting telur saos mentega,
cah kangkung,
tauge ikan asin,
cumi bakar,
ikan kue bakar,
kerang rebus.....pokoke ruameee tenan deh..

Setelah semua makan terhidang, akhirnya dimulailah "pembantaian" terhadap hewan-hewan laut yang tak bersalah itu. Di samping saya terdapat piggyvora yang tidak lagi mengingat batas-batas Body Mass Index (BMI) atawa Indeks Berat Tubuh. Sambil makan, dia bercerita bahwa selama satu minggu itu dia telah banyak menikmati makanan yang enak-enak sehingga ketika menyantap makanan seafood tsb dia nampak terlihat "lelah dan loyo" seperti pada gambar di atas.... see..see...

Sementara itu, salah satu anggota piggyvora yang biasanya begitu bersemangat dalam mengurangi stock piggy nasional, kali ini nampak tak begitu berdaya dalam membantai hewan-hewan laut tsb. Ini dapat dimaklumi mengingat bahwa dia pun sudah melewati batas BMI sehingga cukup berhati-hati dalam menikmati santapan hewan laut, yang mana ekspresinya dapat kita perhatikan pada gambar disamping ini.

Di sisi lain, penulis dengan santainya menikmati semua hidangan laut yang tersedia. Ini dapat dimaklumi karena meskipun BMI penulis, secara jujur mengakui, telah melewati batas ambang normal, tetapi lewatnya ta jauh-jauh amatlah (bisa cincai2 gitu)...sehingga hatipun bisa senang dan makan pun dengan riang huehehehehe....ta percaya? Lihatlah gambar di atas. Coba bandingkan dengan piggyvora disampingnya...yang nampak terdiam.....sepertinya susah bernapas karena perutnya sudah penuh dengan makanan huahahahaha...Mungkin bila diungkapkan dengan kata-kata dia akan berkata," Sial, kawan awak di samping ini masih santai aja makan. Sementara awak ini sudah sesak perut...seperti mo mencreeeet."

Akhirnya, setelah sekian lama terdiam dan menikmati otot-otot perut melakukan tugas yang telah dimulai oleh mulut kami masing-masing, akhirnya kami bergegas pulang, kembali ke Cipete.